Thursday, July 4, 2013

What the &^%* is MyMiniCastle!?!

Ola amigos

Since MyMinicastle is almost finished, let me explain what MyMiniCastle is.

It all started with Ludum Dare 26. For those who don't know what it is: It's a theme-based competition free for anyone who wants to compare their developing/gamemaking skills to the world.
On this edition the theme was: minimalism

So yeah, that's what MyMiniCastle is, it's a minimalistic game with an amazing gameplay.
As you all know, I'm Peng the penguin and it's my goal to defeat all the blobs who come on my path. Wave after wave after wave I use my vegetable cannon to shoot them down with all kinds of vegetables.
My goal? Just to have a safe place to live in my precious castle.

One of the most difficult aspects about this game is that my ammo(vegetables) is limited. So when blobs drop vegetables, I need to pick them up as fast as I can before others take down my castle.

In short, It's a cute game with awesome new features such as: New vegetables, Items to upgrade your castle, clothing, improved gameplay and of course new areas.

So stay tuned!

For more information: Play the beta(link below) or check this site

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